Piper Archer LX Price and Operating Costs
The PIPER Archer LX, manufactured from 2010 - to present, requires a 1 person crew and can transport up to 3 passengers. The aircraft has a maximum operating altitude of 14,000', a normal cruise speed of 118 KTS/136 MPH, and a 472 NM/543 SM seats-full range. The PIPER Archer LX has a 1,853' balanced field length and 1,822' landing distance. The cabin measures 04'01" high, 03'06" wide, and 07'04" long. It has a total baggage capacity of 24.00 ft^3; 24.00 ft^3 being internal and 00.00 ft^3 being external.
Depending on numerous factors, the average price for a pre-owned PIPER Archer LX is $528,000.00. A $262,500.00 loan over 120 months including $1093.75 per month in interest equates to a $13,162.73 per-period payment. Based on 200 annual owner-operated hours and $6.75-per-gallon fuel cost, the PIPER Archer LX has total variable costs of $33,150.00, total fixed costs of $82,580.00, and an annual budget of $115,730.00. This breaks down to $578.65 per hour.
472 NM / 543 SM
472 NM / 543 SM
118 KTS / 136 MPH
118 KTS / 136 MPH
3 people
3 people
Flying 200 Hours per Year
Annual Owner Hours
Annual Charter Hours
Fuel Cost
Total Fixed Cost
Total Variable Cost
Annual Budget
Total Hourly Cost
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